Every-So-Often Motto

"Voice of the Chinese Counterculture Revolution." - PC

Saturday, March 20, 2010

PC - 27 (I forgot about this one mix)


Found a track on my 909 a few weeks ago and I decided to jam out to it today. It is rough around the edges, expect to hear more of it in the next AOT Fun Time Mix. My Dell laptop still has the AIDS, so no Reason yet... The track starts at 210 BPM and ends at 260 BPM. It is 9 minutes and 29 seconds long.

PC - 27(I forgot about this one mix).mp3

Also, dharmaharta re-recorded this mix, check it out...

productive citizen with dharmaharta - 27 (new mix).mp3

Tough Actin' Tinactin and Bad Magumbo,


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