I write this post before I record the mix, mainly because there are a number of things that we must discuss regarding the world. Army of Techno would first like to say thank you to Steve Jobs for inspiring us to do what we do.
Secondly, there is a movement underway within the network. Anonymous, Lulzsec, and Antisec have been engaged in several displays of anarchy since the beginning of the year. We continue to watch this battle between the anarchists and the establishment as it seems to be manifesting itself in reality now. On Wall Street, in the streets of Greece, in the Arab world, and many more places we are seeing citizens stand outside and demand better from their governments. Now, they are calling for a Global Revolution Day...
I am concerned about the state of the human condition in the world. I do not want 2012 to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. All I can do is go back to the studio and offer the internet this mix. I love electronic music.
This mix incorporates samples from both of the videos on this post. It incorporates my 19th, 20th, and 21st MC-909 tracks. Better Today, Anomaly, I Wanna Drive Your Bus, respectively. I end it with a preview of my next Reason track, 10 Trillion Dollar Plan. It is 20 minutes and 49 seconds long.
PC - The Human Condition Mix.mp3
We will be here for you. We are Army of Techno.
Good Luck,
Bernie Sanders Interview with Hasan Minhaj
5 years ago