Every-So-Often Motto

"Voice of the Chinese Counterculture Revolution." - PC

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

PC - iahdelayed


I was at Bush Intergalactic Airport a few weeks ago and made this track on my MBP while at the gate waiting for my plane to arrive. IAH is the symbol for Bush Intergalactic Airport and I was delayed there. This is why this track is called iahdelayed. It is 128 BPM and I used my MBP with Reason 5, my Tascam X-9 Mixer, and my Korg Kaoss Pad 2 for the recording of this mix. I recorded this mix just now back in the Dagobah System. This mix is 14 minutes and 46 seconds long.

PC - iahdelayed.mp3




It is very hot here.

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