Every-So-Often Motto

"Voice of the Chinese Counterculture Revolution." - PC

Thursday, January 29, 2009

First Music Post

We are in the giving mood, hell it's a warcession.
So here it is, our newest promo pack.

AOT - The Song with No Name (The Anthem)
- this song is sample heavy, industrial-sounding techno, at least that is what I think.

AOT - Live @ The Village (MCCK Remix)
- this is a remix of a Live PA by AOT.

AOT - Alternative Energy (MCCK Remix)
- if you like this, please buy our next CD.

AOT - Mind Control @ 8 AM
- PC and MCCK throw down a Live PA mix on reason, and MC-909

:) - The Optimist - Whoops Acid
- Our DJ, The Optimist throws down some of his production skills.

That's all for now. Please voice your opinion about our music.

Everyone should have a google account, they are the one true internet, all hail google.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Google is our bitch, or vice versa

Welcome to the new AOT HQ,

We have decided to switch to blogger. It will provide us an open dialogue with fans while adding chronology to our free music and video posts. Enjoy the new site and please voice your opinions about our content.