I would just like to thank you for continuing to visit our site. I continue to provide most of the capital and creative energy to keep our label going.
Here are some stats:
2002: 5 Artists 6 Parties
2003: 4 Artists 6 Parties
2004: 3 Artists 4 Parties
2005: 2 Artists 1 Party
2006: 3 Artists 0 Parties
2007: 3 Artists 1 Party
2008: 2 Artists 0 Parties
2009: 3 Artists 0 Parties
249.10 Gigabytes downloaded by 52,600 unique visitors so far this year and we have not played a party. We will play a show in 2010. We have been victims of a denial of service attack at least once this year and all it has done is make us more popular. 172.34 GB downloaded by China! Thank you to all our Chinese listeners! Please feel free to listen to my newest live pa mix. It combines Reason, 909, and some YouTubing. It is 37 minutes 13 seconds long. I understand that is long, but this is most likely the last mix I am posting this year. Watch your back 2010...
Happy Holidays,
Bernie Sanders Interview with Hasan Minhaj
5 years ago