Every-So-Often Motto

"Voice of the Chinese Counterculture Revolution." - PC

Saturday, November 14, 2009

PC - Bad Attitude Mix

Sup bitch-ass motherfuckers,

I recorded a Live PA set late tonight, bitch. I was mixing some of my older motherfucking 909 tracks with my new fucking Reason track, Google that Shit, at 104 BPM. I used our motherfucking MC-909, hamster-raping Kaoss Pad 2, retarded Reason 4.0 and shitty Tascam X-9. It is 21.5 minutes long and I could honestly give a fuck if you listen.

PC - Bad Attitude Mix.mp3

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Not like any of you will...

Go tell yo mama I wanna put some more soap in that dish, fucker.